Lottery grant confirmed & other news

The Management Committee are delighted to announce a successful application to the BIG LOTTERY FUND for a grant towards our project to completely refit and modernise our current kitchen. The work will take place in March, but the hall will still be available for use as normal.
Dates for your Diary
The first major event which will use the new kitchen will be our Annual Spring Supper on Saturday April 25th 2015. Tickets will be available from early April and full details will be published in the April Parish Magazine.
Please also see separate advertisement for the pre-Easter Craft event to be held in the Wickham Institute on Saturday 21st March 2015.
“Binsted Slides”
On 17th January we had a very successful and entertaining evening presentation on the “Binsted Slides” followed by a curry supper. As a number of people who were unable to attend have expressed interest in seeing the slides, we are hoping to do a further slide presentation in early autumn. Please keep an eye on the Parish Magazine for further details.